Forty Million Steps
How do you climb Mount Everest? Assuming you are well trained and in the best shape of your life, you climb the world's tallest mountain one small step at a time. Our growth and maturing process looks very similar. There are no shortcuts to becoming the men we are designed to be. There's no book, podcast, or sermon series that instantaneously transforms us into men of God. To grow into manhood, a boy must take one small, intentional step at a time...over time.
The average teenage boy will take about forty million steps from sixth to twelfth grade. We believe that the accumulation of those forty million small steps is one of the most powerful parts of a boy's journey toward manhood. The Seal Team battle strategy is to build a redemptive brotherhood that is committed to journeying through life together during these formative years. When we think about fighting for the hearts of the next generation of men, we don’t think in terms of individual moments, but instead, of building momentum in the right direction over time. Seal Team creates the community, content, and experiences to help young men grow into strong warriors for Christ.